The Site traffic control software
Why optimize the regulation of construction site traffic ?
Did you know that construction sites are responsible for 25% of urban transport?
Traffic management during works in cities and urban areas is one of the major issues of construction projects.
The various deliveries generated by construction works within cities have a direct impact on traffic saturation and on traffic disruptions.
As a matter of fact, dozens and dozens of delivery trucks operate every day to supply construction sites and are added to the ongoing urban traffic. In cities where traffic is often already dense, adding these logistics flows causes even more disruption.
The challenge then lies in optimizing the management of these flows to reduce the disruption they cause and allow the safe cohabitation of all users and residents.
Digitize to regulate deliveries near worksites
In order to optimize urban traffic and construction sites’ logistics flow and make construction sites more acceptable, professionals can rely on digital platforms that centralize planning and supplies regulation.
These digital solutions, together with urban arrangements, make it possible to better coordinate the needs of the site by taking into account external urban constraints, avoid traffic jams due to the site and avoid the resulting discontent of local residents – not to mention that these trucks generate CO2 / GHG emissions that are very harmful to the environment and health.
Teamoty REGUL is a Saas software that allows to coordinate the sites to streamline the movements and deliveries of trucks around the site. It ensures thedelivery of deliveries (essential to the productivity of projects) by ensuring a drip traffic to limit the disturbances on the general traffic and maintain an acceptable living environment for the residents, Neighbourhood users and professionals.

Limit the impact of construction sites on traffic jams and saturation

Maintain a tolerable living environment for users

Smooth construction site traffic by generating dedicated routes

Reduce the environmental impact of your construction sites

Reduce the environmental impact of construction sites
Monitor the carbon footprint of construction site delivery flows and reduce it by using parking zones to reduce traffic jams in town and restrict the use of major roads on strategic time slots.
Optimize traffic regulation
Regulate the load of deliveries through regulation and delay zones in order to allow vehicles and delivery trucks to park near the site.
Teamoty can be coupled with an access control system to manage the entry and exit of trucks from the parking area automatically.

Facilitate access to the site
Create reliable and organized routes (at metropolitan or city level) in order to force delivery people to take preferred routes and avoid to saturate traffic.
Automaticallygenerate delivery protocols to facilitate access to site entry points and quickly pass them on to the various delivery people and delivery companies.